And a whopping £6 price tag for a thin cracker-sized wedge may seem a bit decadent to some, but according to reports from the manufacturers, celebrities are already queuing up to get their hands on some of the luxury Stilton.
Long Clawson Dairy in Leicestershire will make a limited edition run of it this Christmas and has already been contacted by a variety of interested parties including a Gulf-based oil sheikh and a famous pop star.

Covetable: The gold-flecked Stilton is produced by Long Clawson Dairy in Leicestershire, where they are already dealing with inquiries from an oil sheik and famous pop star
At £60.87 per 100g slice, or £608 a kilo, Clawson Stilton Gold is the world's most expensive Stilton and the most expensive cheese of any kind made in the UK.
Janice Breedon, a spokeswoman for Long Clawson Dairy, said: 'For confidentiality reasons I can't publicly identify the people who have inquired about our Clawson Stilton Gold but, suffice to say, they are all very well known.

The more usual appearance of the humble Stilton cheese, costing around 90p per 100g, 67 times less than the gold Stilton
While Long Clawson's Stilton Gold may be the most expensive cheese in Britain, it is no match for Pule.
Costing £854 a kilo, the cheese is made at the Zasavica Special Nature Reserve in Belgrade, Serbia (Pule being Serbian for 'foal').
And the reason for its price? Donkey's milk.
No other special ingredient goes into making the smoked cheese, according to the dairy's manager.
Its value is purely based on the going rate for the milk (around 35 euros a litre).
However, since the time it was promoted at a tourism fair, only half a kilo of Pule has so far been ordered.
'We're frankly amazed that word has leaked out and we're being contacted by some very important and well-heeled people about the cheese.
'It does look amazing though.
'You can see the gold clearly in the slices and we've not been shy with how much gold we've put in the batch.
'It's Britain's blingiest cheese but, judging by the inquiries we've had, I'd say most of it will be leaving the country before Christmas.'
Clawson Stilton Gold is currently available to buy online at Long Clawson Dairy's website
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